Fan Casting Spoiler as The Elderly Scientist in Plastic Man: The Pliable Paladin

mr_blue_sky made this fan casting suggestion on August 17, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Spoiler as The Elderly Scientist in Plastic Man: The Pliable Paladin

SpoilerUnited States

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Plastic Man: The Pliable Paladin

Plastic Man: The Pliable Paladin

Mr. Blue's DC Comics Cinematic Universe (Phase 1)
by Jake Cole, DC Comics, Mr. Blue Sky
Safecracking henchman Patrick 'Eel' O'Brian is shot and doused in a vat of liquid, and is abandoned by his gang. He wakes up and finds that his skin can stretch into every which way. He attempts to...
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Spoiler has been suggested by fans for 7,135 roles on myCast, including John Doe in The Batman (2022). Similar actors include Pedro Pascal, Nicolas Cage, and Oscar Isaac. Spoiler was suggested to play The Elderly Scientist in Plastic Man: The Pliable Paladin by mr_blue_sky. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Brian Cox. Plastic Man: The Pliable Paladin has 18 roles, including The Green Humanoid, Chief Jake Branner, and Kite-Man.

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