Fan Casting Spoiler as Hobgoblin 1 in Peter & Mary Jane

ifancasttoo made this fan casting suggestion on July 18, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Spoiler as Hobgoblin 1 in Peter & Mary Jane

SpoilerUnited States

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Peter & Mary Jane

Peter & Mary Jane

by Me (kinda)
Just a casting pitch for a possible season of 10 half-hour episodes that focuses on Peter and Mary Jane right after they graduate college. They do normal couple things while Spider-Man-ning the vil...
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Spoiler has been suggested by fans for 7,122 roles on myCast, including John Doe in The Batman (2022). Similar actors include Pedro Pascal, Nicolas Cage, and Oscar Isaac. Spoiler was suggested to play Hobgoblin 1 in Peter & Mary Jane by ifancasttoo. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Ethan Hawke. Peter & Mary Jane has 26 roles, including Kingsley's Partner, Hobgoblin 2, and Harry Osborn.

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