Fan Casting Count Chocula as Deaths in Pepsi Man: SODA WARS

cutmanisback made this fan casting suggestion on February 9, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Count Chocula as Deaths in Pepsi Man: SODA WARS

Count Chocula

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Pepsi Man: SODA WARS

Pepsi Man: SODA WARS

Meme Cinematic Universe Phase 4
by Warner Bros,The Internet,Dreamworks Animation,Columbia Pictures,Pepsi Co. Ltd
When a war starts between all the drinks in the world, a battle for supremacy begins to find out who Is the strongest drink in the world. And among all of them stoods up the only one who can end th...
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2 comments on Count Chocula as Deaths in Pepsi Man: SODA WARS

Count Chocula has been suggested by fans for 18 roles on myCast, including Cameos in Doodles. Similar actors include Tony the Tiger, Lucky the Leprechaun, and Boo Berry. Count Chocula was suggested to play Deaths in Pepsi Man: SODA WARS by cutmanisback. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Kool-Aid Man, shaozynder, and Pepsi Crystal. Pepsi Man: SODA WARS has 44 roles, including Sprite Cranberry, Mug Root Beer, and Coca-Cola Man.

More Fan Casting Suggestions for Deaths in Pepsi Man: SODA WARS