Fan Casting Carol Reed as Best Director 1950 in Oscars Do-over

jameseller made this fan casting suggestion on January 17, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Carol Reed as Best Director 1950 in Oscars Do-over

Carol ReedUnited Kingdom

Sir Carol Reed (30 December 1906 – 25 April 1976) was an English film director best known for Odd Man Out (1947), The Fallen Idol (1948), and The Third Man (1949). He won the Palme d'Or for The Thi...
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Oscars Do-over

Oscars Do-over

The Should-be Winners
This is just for fun, not trying to take anything away from the real winners. It's mostly subjective anyway.
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0 comments on Carol Reed as Best Director 1950 in Oscars Do-over

Carol Reed is known for his roles in Odd Man Out, The Third Man, and Oliver!. He has been suggested by fans for 5 roles on myCast, including Directors in I Will Add All The Actors and Actress In The World. Similar actors include Alfred Hitchcock, John Huston, and Sam Mendes. Carol Reed was suggested to play Best Director 1950 in Oscars Do-over by jameseller. Oscars Do-over has 625 roles, including Best Picture 2017, Best Picture 2020, and Best Picture 2021.

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