Fan Casting Natascha Hopkins as Tanya in Mortal Kombat 1 Live Action
powerwarrior86 made this fan casting suggestion on January 5, 2024. What do you think?See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.
They can also be the actors of the current movie from 2021 (which currently has a sequel in 2025) and some from 1995 (and 1997 with Annihilation), or even the Legacy project...
7 comments on Natascha Hopkins as Tanya in Mortal Kombat 1 Live Action
user_177985@angeloalberttex86 | Hey, you! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! Can you please make BVS Versions of Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue and Power Rangers Time Force?
If the adaptation of Gingaman and Timeranger were from another company, "Lost Galaxy" would be similar to Wild Force, and "Time Force" would be called simply Power Rangers 2001.
@angeloalberttex86 | Hey, you! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! Can you please make "Disney's Power Rangers Lost Galaxy", "Disney's Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue", & "Disney's Power Rangers Time Force"?
user_158411@angeloalberttex86 | Hey you! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! Can you please make "Disney's Power Rangers Lost Galaxy", "Disney's Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue", & "Disney's Power Rangers Time Force"?
user_177985@angeloalberttex86 | Hey, you! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! Can you please make "Disney's Power Rangers Lost Galaxy", "Disney's Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue", "Disney's Power Rangers Time Force", “Disney’s Power Rangers Beast Morphers” & “Disney’s Power Rangers Dino Fury”?
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7 comments on Natascha Hopkins as Tanya in Mortal Kombat 1 Live Action