Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・Dディー・ルフィ), also known as "Straw Hat Luffy" and commonly as "Straw Hat", is the founder and captain of the increasingly infamous and powerful Straw Hat Pirates, as well as the most powerful of its top fighters. He desires to find the legendary treasure left behind by the late Gol D. Roger and thereby become the Pirate King, which would help facilitate an unknown dream of his that he has told only to Shanks, his brothers, and crew. He believes that being the Pirate King means having the most freedom in the world.
Fan Casting
Iñaki Godoy
Xolo Mariduena
Vitor Stevam
Shuya Sunagawa
Daniel Rangel
Danilo Mateus
Gustavo Brait
Henrique Barreira
Nachi Sakuragi
Daisuke Nakagawa
Diego Loyzaga
Asa Butterfield
Daniel Radcliffe
Cayden Boyd
Tom Taylor
Steven R. McQueen
Rami Malek
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Luke Grimes
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