the story takes place in the future, where currencies are replaced by credits, you can get these credits at work, but also by performing various missions, especially against the Agrodroids, a race of cyborgs that settled on the planets that are currently inhabited people, from Venus to Saturn, and so began the endless war between humans and Agrodroids, missions against them are worth a lot of credits, but also as a fight against separatists, terrorists, to capture a dangerous person (various amounts, sometimes smaller, sometimes astronomical), for finding treasures and various objects, for destroying assassins, the better and the more missions you do, the higher your rewards, rank and thus become VIP, you get big orders for big rewards, but also for illegal activities people They come in large sums like races, hired murders, thefts, boxing matches, there is also a black market where you buy anything.
Dwayne Quaid is a man who lost his wife, was murdered by Agrodroid, and his son has not been in contact with him for a long time. He decides it's time to do something for the world and to have something to pass on to his son, he brings together a bunch of people and completes all sorts of missions, trying to build a big name and become a legend and leave once, as hero.
He build team of best friend Lloyd Warner, cousin Richard Quinn, first love Lucy Gibbs, his colleague Stu Gray from where he left off, his friend and Homeless Bobby Malone, Johnny Long and Ross Moore.
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