The sixth and final installment in the Die Hard franchise. Seven years have passed since John McClane and his son, Jack, took down Komarov and Irina and discovered their true plot of retrieving uranium canisters (A Good Day to Die Hard). John has retired from the New York Police Department, and is remarried to a lawyer, Wendy Bellows. Jack is still a field agent for the CIA, but is now stationed in the United States. Jack is sent on a mission to Miami, Florida, to investigate a Cuban drug smuggling cartel. Upon discovering the cartel, he is knocked over the head. The drug lord, Sebastián Pérez, releases false information that states Jack his been killed. Lucy McClane delivers the news, of her brother's death, to her father. John vows to come out of retirement and get revenge for his son's death. CIA Director, Thomas Payne, is completely against John's plan, and threatens to arrest him if he goes through with it. John teams up with former New York Detective, Henry Callman, and current New York Police Deputy, Vanessa White. Sebastián Pérez's henchman, Santiago, is sent to kill John. Callman is shot and killed. John and Vanessa are captured and held captive by the drug cartel. Meanwhile, Thomas Payne has ordered the arrest of John. US Intelligence begin traveling toward the coast of Cuban. The drug cartel assumes John has called for back up, and begin to interrogate him. Vanessa is shot and killed as a warning to the United States. The US Intelligence have no option but to pull their mission on John, and team up with him, in order to capture the Cuban drug lords. Jack finds John and helps him escape. John realizes Jack is still alive, and becomes angry with him, due to the fact that his "fake" death has created all of this mess. Santiago is secretly sent to New York to kidnap John's new wife, Wendy Bellows. Over a large video screen, Wendy is shown with a gun to her head in John's apartment. The US Intelligence is forced to back out of the mission, in order to keep Wendy alive. John and Jack come up with an elaborate scheme to stop the drug cartel and save Wendy. One of Jack's CIA buddies, Curtis Amble, is able to save Wendy, while John and Jack kill and capture the Cubans. The film ends with John, Wendy, Lucy, and Jack reuniting on Christmas. John officially retires and Jack quits his job at the CIA.