Fan CastingNightwing Season Four
by DC Studios
Story added by wadeproductions on April 3, 2024
After he let Vigilante Adrian Chase kill Blockbuster, Dick Grayson has lost all hope in protecting Blüdhaven and given up being Nightwing. He is now living with his girlfriend Shawn Tsang- aka Defacer- after his apartment building was destroyed. The death of Mark Desmond was the straw that broke the camels back, igniting a full blown gang war between Tony Zucco and Roland Desmond- who is blaming both Zucco and Dick for the death of his father. Because Nightwing has gone missing the city is in total chaos, with no one to stop it. And because of this, a childhood friend named Cheyenne Freemont decides to take it upon herself to fill the more
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