Fan Casting Shaun the Sheep as CW1234 in MyCast Users’ Childhood

cw1234 made this fan casting suggestion on July 17, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Shaun the Sheep as CW1234 in MyCast Users’ Childhood

Shaun the SheepUnited Kingdom

Shaun is the titular main protagonist of Shaun the Sheep. He is the leader of The Flock. A mild-mannered yet extraordinary creature, Shaun exhibits typical human behavior, which causes the other sh...
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MyCast Users’ Childhood

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Shaun the Sheep has been suggested by fans for 49 roles on myCast, including Best Animated Movie Character in Best & Worst of Cartoons. Similar actors include Timmy the Sheep, Thomas the Tank Engine, and James the Red Engine. Shaun the Sheep was suggested to play CW1234 in MyCast Users’ Childhood by cw1234. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Ivan Galindo, Spyro The Dragon, and Crash Bandicoot. MyCast Users’ Childhood has 9 roles, including Themegacaster, Rebelwithautism, and Eclipsestarling.

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