Fan Casting Fairy Mothra as Fairy Mothra in Mothra Leo: Battle in the Deep

alan01 made this fan casting suggestion on January 16, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Fairy Mothra as Fairy Mothra in Mothra Leo: Battle in the Deep

Fairy Mothra

Fairy Mothra (妖精フェアリーモスラ Fearī Mosura),[a] also known as simply Fairy (フェアリー Fearī), is a tiny divine moth kaiju created by Toho that first appeared in the 1994 Godzilla film, Godzilla vs. SpaceGod...
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Mothra Leo: Battle in the Deep

Mothra Leo: Battle in the Deep

The challenge is now in the water
by Alan (baseado no personagem da Toho Company)
Mortes por bactérias venenosas andam acontecendo com frequência, mas ninguém parece conseguir entender o porquê. As gêmeas Dra. Ilene e Dra. Ling Chen investigam e descobrem que o responsável é Dag...
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0 comments on Fairy Mothra as Fairy Mothra in Mothra Leo: Battle in the Deep

Fairy Mothra has been suggested by fans for 27 roles on myCast, including What if Godzilla Singular Point was Better? in Fanscription. Similar actors include Mothra Leo, Battra, and SpaceGodzilla. Fairy Mothra was suggested to play Fairy Mothra in Mothra Leo: Battle in the Deep by alan01. Mothra Leo: Battle in the Deep has 11 roles, including Dagahra, Princesa Yuna, and Ghogo.

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