Fan Casting Huey Lewis and the News as "The Power of Love" in Mormons vs Furries

peterjudge04 made this fan casting suggestion on June 13, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Huey Lewis and the News as The Power of Love in Mormons vs Furries

Huey Lewis and the News

Huey Lewis and the News is an American rock band based in San Francisco, California. They had a run of hit singles during the 1980s and early 1990s, eventually achieving 19 top ten singles across t...
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Mormons vs Furries

Mormons vs Furries

The big fight starts
Pocatello, Idaho, is a little Mormon community led by Reverend Goodwin, where his tomboyish daughter Rebecca is the sheriff, to his father's despise. One day, Jared, an odd guy who left the town so...
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Huey Lewis and the News has been suggested by fans for 21 roles on myCast, including Best Singer/Band in The myCast Awards Yet Again. Similar actors include Madonna, Elton John, and Stevie Wonder. Huey Lewis and the News was suggested to play "The Power of Love" in Mormons vs Furries by peterjudge04. Mormons vs Furries has 11 roles, including Nico, Producer, and Mel.

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