Fan Casting Jonas Hoff Oftebro as Dj in Monster House (2015)

user_274054 made this fan casting suggestion on August 10, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Jonas Hoff Oftebro as Dj in Monster House (2015)

Jonas Hoff Oftebro

28 years old
A Norwegian actor who has, among other things, played Kjell Jensen in two of the Olsen band jr. films. He has also voted for the TV comics SamSam and Sussi , and has been the presenter of the NRK S...
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Monster House (2015)

Monster House (2015)

By Fantefilm
Use the form below to add a story to the myCast database. This can be a book, movie, TV show, even a story you've made up. Once you've added the story, you (and other users) will be able to add cha...
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0 comments on Jonas Hoff Oftebro as Dj in Monster House (2015)

Jonas Hoff Oftebro is known for his roles in The Wave, Burnout 2, and The Quake. He has been suggested by fans for 3 roles on myCast, including Eadric in Shadow Frost. Similar actors include Edith Haagenrud-Sande, Ane Dahl Torp, and Kristoffer Joner. Jonas Hoff Oftebro was suggested to play Dj in Monster House (2015) by user_274054. Monster House (2015) has 2 roles, including Jenny.

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