Fan Casting Haast's Eagle as Ranger Motives in Min Min, Li-Fen, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li & Manon as Squadron Rangers

user_158411 made this fan casting suggestion on February 7, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Haast's Eagle as Ranger Motives in Min Min, Li-Fen, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li & Manon as Squadron Rangers

Haast's EagleNew Zealand

The Haast's eagle (Hieraaetus moorei | Maori: Pouākai | also known as harpagornis or the giant eagle) is an extinct species of eagle that once lived in the South Island of New Zealand, commonly acc...
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Fan Casting

Haast's Eagle


Ranger Motives (Ranger motifs based on extinction bird species of New Zealand)


Min Min, Li-Fen, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li & Manon as Squadron Rangers

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Min Min, Li-Fen, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li & Manon as Squadron Rangers

Min Min, Li-Fen, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li & Manon as Squadron Rangers

Best heroine ever
by Blender and Capcom
A political slogan and internet meme, Let’s Go Brandon becomes an preposterous empire, invading the planet Earth and making the people the members of the LGBFJB Community. The only hope was to stop...
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0 comments on Haast's Eagle as Ranger Motives in Min Min, Li-Fen, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li & Manon as Squadron Rangers

Haast's Eagle has been suggested by fans for 80 roles on myCast, including Hazards in Jumanji: Are You Game. Similar actors include Smilodon, Woolly Mammoth, and Giant Moa. Haast's Eagle was suggested to play Ranger Motives in Min Min, Li-Fen, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li & Manon as Squadron Rangers by user_158411. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Laughing Owl, Huia, and South Island Giant Moa. Min Min, Li-Fen, Cammy, Juri, Chun-Li & Manon as Squadron Rangers has 12 roles, including Influence(s), Squadron Ranger Motifs, and Belong(s) To:.

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