Fan CastingMighty Morphin Power Rangers
The Animated Series
by Haim Saban and Shuki Levy
Story added by turtlesfan85 on February 2, 2023
10,000 years ago, a wise and powerful wizard named Zordon defeated and banished an evil witch named Rita Repulsa at the cost of being trapped in a time warp.
10,000 years later, in modern day Angel Grove, CA, high school freshmen Jason Lee Scott, Trini Kwan, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, and Kimberly Ann Hart are recruited by Zordon and his assistant Alpha 5 when Rita and her forces are accidentally freed from their prison. They are later joined by transfer student Tommy Oliver, his childhood friend Jadeite Swann, and her mother and Zordon's ex-lover, Roxanne Swann. It's Morphin Time!read more
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