Fan Casting Samuel González as Félix Núñez in Mi Fortuna es Amarte (Chile)

piachannel made this fan casting suggestion on August 21, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Samuel González as Félix Núñez in Mi Fortuna es Amarte (Chile)

Samuel GonzálezChile

37 years old
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Mi Fortuna es Amarte (Chile)

Mi Fortuna es Amarte (Chile)

by Juan Carlos Alcalá
Mi fortuna es amarte cuenta la historia de Natalia y Chente, quienes ambos sufren diferentes situaciones que les cambia la vida al instante. Natalia viene de una posición social alta, sin embargo, ...
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0 comments on Samuel González as Félix Núñez in Mi Fortuna es Amarte (Chile)

Samuel González has been suggested by fans for 4 roles on myCast, including Félix Núñez in Mi Fortuna es Amarte (Chile). Similar actors include Juan Carlos Maldonado, Pedro Campos, and Nicolás Brown. Samuel González was suggested to play Félix Núñez in Mi Fortuna es Amarte (Chile) by piachannel. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Eduardo Paxeco, Tiago Correa, and Gastón Salgado. Mi Fortuna es Amarte (Chile) has 28 roles, including Mario Rivas Acosta, Samia Karam Mansour, and Natalia Robles García.

Supporters (1)
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