Fan Casting Aml Ameen as Spider-Man in MCU Spider-Verse

williambillings made this fan casting suggestion on June 29, 2020. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Aml Ameen as Spider-Man in MCU Spider-Verse

Aml AmeenUnited Kingdom

39 years old
Aml Ameen, born July 30, 1985, in London, is a talented British actor whose career has flourished across film and television. He gained early acclaim for his role as Trife in "Kidulthood." Ameen sh...
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Fan Casting

Aml Ameen


Spider-Man (Miles Morales)


MCU Spider-Verse
MCU Spider-Verse

MCU Spider-Verse

Casting Spider-Verse for the MCU
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0 comments on Aml Ameen as Spider-Man in MCU Spider-Verse

Aml Ameen is known for his roles in Red Tails, The Maze Runner, and The Butler. He has been suggested by fans for 127 roles on myCast, including Will Smith in Celebrities Look Alike . Similar actors include John Boyega, Idris Elba, and Daniel Kaluuya. Aml Ameen was suggested to play Spider-Man in MCU Spider-Verse by williambillings. MCU Spider-Verse has 10 roles, including Earth 616 Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen, and Venom.

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