Fan Casting Diane Kruger as Mystique in MCU Character Castings

charlie made this fan casting suggestion on July 1, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Diane Kruger as Mystique in MCU Character Castings

Diane KrugerGermany

48 years old
Diane Kruger (born 15 July 1976) is a German and American actress. Early in her career, Kruger gained worldwide recognition and received the Trophée Chopard from the Cannes Film Festival. Kruger b...
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Fan Casting

Diane Kruger


Mystique (Raven Darkhölme)


MCU Character Castings
MCU Character Castings

MCU Character Castings

MCU Character Castings
by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Marvel.
MCU Character Castings.
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0 comments on Diane Kruger as Mystique in MCU Character Castings

Diane Kruger is known for her roles in Inglourious Basterds, National Treasure, and Troy. She has been suggested by fans for 1,266 roles on myCast, including Actresses. in The Most Attractive Celebrities. Similar actors include Charlize Theron, Rosamund Pike, and Jessica Chastain. Diane Kruger was suggested to play Mystique in MCU Character Castings by charlie. MCU Character Castings has 60 roles, including Daredevil, Rogue, and Storm.

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