Fan Casting Ron Killings as Crule in MCU: Captain America’s Foes

themcuproject made this fan casting suggestion on April 30, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Ron Killings as Crule in MCU: Captain America’s Foes

Ron KillingsUnited States

53 years old
Ronnie Aaron Killings is an American professional wrestler and rapper, best known by his ring name, R-Truth, who is currently signed to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Since working for the co...
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MCU: Captain America’s Foes

MCU: Captain America’s Foes

The MCU Project
by Marvel Studios
Enemies of Captain America when he served in World War II and when he was revived after 70 or so years of cryogenic preservation.
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Ron Killings is known for his roles in The Wrestler, WWE WrestleMania 31, and Blood Brother. He has been suggested by fans for 48 roles on myCast, including Male Wrestlers in Face Claims V7. Similar actors include Winston Duke, Booker Huffman, Jr., and Bobby Lashley. Ron Killings was suggested to play Crule in MCU: Captain America’s Foes by themcuproject. MCU: Captain America’s Foes has 43 roles, including Master Man, Taskmaster, and Baron Werner Von Blitzschlag.

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