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Fan Casting Zyklon Symbiote(The symbiote that was put in the serum which Gypsy injected with)

Role added by shreethefancaster on September 17, 2023



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4 comments on Zyklon Symbiote

  • mlg9420nftz The Zyklon symbiote is like Pasta End Friends universe Ignition, which can spawn multiple symbiote minions, except Zyklon can't revive symbiotes and they are dependent on a Hive Symbiote instead of the host. In this case, the Hive Zyklon is merged with another symbiote that helps Gypsycrusader 2099's suit function They can infest like Ignition symbiotes (Pasta End Friends / PEF), but the Zyklon is an inferior symbiote compared to Ignition Also, the Zyklon symbiote is a Secondary symbiote, which can't really form a physical body but can help with armour and weapons. It can only form any body with the help of a primary symbiote or another Secondary symbiote. However, the secondary symbiote can form on like mentioned, Weapons, Clothing or non-living objects When a secondary symbiote merged with a primary symbiote, the secondary obeys both the Primary and the hos. However, when bonded with another seconday, they can form one primary symbiote on their own

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  • mlg9420nftz There are two types of Secondary Symbiote. One is base, like Zyklon, which reinforces increases defence focusing on armour when bonded to a primary one and the other is top, which reinforces weapons and superpowers when bounded to a primary symbiote. Zyklon is a Secondary Base Symbiote

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  • mlg9420nftz Secondary Base symbiotes can spawn minions of themselves, which can be useful for creating armies. However, Secondary Top Symbiotes can work more on abilities, create weapons for the host and the Secondary Base that can spawn minions. Secondary symbiotes without hosts are just gooey heads that slide all over like a blob while Primary Symbiotes like Vleeper.exe can mimic body without a host. Although all symbiotes prefer to be blob, you can identify a primary one if it mimics a body

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  • mlg9420nftz I forgot to mention that Zyklon can also create a poisonous gas with the same name "Zyklon B"

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