Fan CastingMaximum Gypsy
Set in Exes and Joypills universe
by Angrycraft 67 Studios
Story added by shreethefancaster on August 20, 2023
1 day after the events of Venom.EXE: A Exes and Joypills Movie, In Gypsy's lair, The Stranger began to talk with Gypsy and he tells him that he is making a symbiote-powered serum which could make him much more powerful than he was, As the stranger finished the symbiote-powered serum, He handed the serum to Gypsy and then Gypsy injects the serum to his arm which now made Gypsy more powerful than ever, At Dr. Curington's lab, Dr. Curington gives information about the offspring of Venom.EXE symbiote to Darren/Speed, Telling him that the symbiote came from a planet named Klyntar.EXE which was originally Klyntar before the EXEs took over, more
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