Fan Casting Captain Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe) as Team Strange in Marvel Studios: Avengers: Ultimate Alliance (The Video Game)

s105042 made this fan casting suggestion on November 13, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Captain Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe) as Team Strange in Marvel Studios: Avengers: Ultimate Alliance (The Video Game)

Captain Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe)United States

60 years old
Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel, is a former United States Air Force pilot who, upon being exposed to the energy of the Tesseract via the destruction of the Light-Speed Engine, obtained...
See Profile
Marvel Studios: Avengers: Ultimate Alliance (The Video Game)

Marvel Studios: Avengers: Ultimate Alliance (The Video Game)

the Game related to the MCU
by EA, DICE, Marvel, Disney
What If....? In a Varient Earth 678, were No Way Home end in a Dark Way, The Goblin appears and tries to unleashes the contained spell but Peter-1 tried to throw it to the other side but Goblin dod...
See Story

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Captain Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe) has been suggested by fans for 104 roles on myCast, including Action Girl in Sort by Tropes. Similar actors include Black Widow (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Thor (Marvel Cinematic Universe), and Doctor Strange (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Captain Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe) was suggested to play Team Strange in Marvel Studios: Avengers: Ultimate Alliance (The Video Game) by s105042. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Hawkeye (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Falcon (Marvel Cinematic Universe), and Hulk (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Marvel Studios: Avengers: Ultimate Alliance (The Video Game) has 20 roles, including The Masters of Evil, Team Moon Knight, and Unplayable Characters.

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More Fan Casting Suggestions for Team Strange in Marvel Studios: Avengers: Ultimate Alliance (The Video Game)