Originally created in the Ultimate Universe, this version of Spider-Man is a 16 year old kid named Miles Morales from Brooklyn who takes on the Spider-Man identity after Peter Parker's death. Miles discovers spider powers of his own after he was bitten by a spider 11 months before Peter's death, and uses these powers to be the best superhero he can be. Currently, Miles lives in the main Marvel Universe and is a member of the Champions.
Fan Casting
Michael Rainey Jr.
Chosen Jacobs
Miles Brown
Caleb McLaughlin
Asante Blackk
Caleel Harris
Kevin Simon
Shameik Moore
Khylin Rhambo
BJ Tanner
Dizzee Rascal
Beorht Lewinski
Marcus Scribner
Jacob Latimore
Nathaniel J. Potvin
Jharrel Jerome
Keiynan Lonsdale
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