Fan CastingMarvel Cinematic Universe -- Legends Three
Movies, TV Series, Comics, and Novels (In The Future)
by Marvel Studios, Marvel Cinematic Universe (Some Original Stories)
Story added by thischosenone on July 28, 2019
If MCU is actually the more realistic than we imagined. It's heroes' universe without heroism: Sometimes since 2500s B.C.: Mutants' groups started, keep the secrets of power for maintaining social development; 2030s: Crisis on Asia, Crimes of U.S. Government had exposed, gag order was failed. Rebels started; 2040s: George Bush Center for Intelligence was destroyed by lava (Superhero did) during occupation by Rebels. All of the agents and evil politicians were killed. That means American conspiracy to rule the world was entirely ended. Avengers defunct again until new members assembled. ** Any of the events cause the alien powers revealed more
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