Fan Casting Carl Weathers as War Machine in Marvel Cinematic Universe (1980s)

sammartin made this fan casting suggestion on January 18, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Carl Weathers as War Machine in Marvel Cinematic Universe (1980s)

Carl WeathersUnited States

Carl Weathers (January 14, 1948 – February 1, 2024) was an American actor, director, as well as former professional football player in the United States and Canada. He was best known for playing Ap...
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Marvel Cinematic Universe (1980s)

Marvel Cinematic Universe (1980s)

by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and Kevin Feige
THE MCU if it was made in the 1980s
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Carl Weathers is known for his roles in Toy Story 4, Creed II, and Predator. He has been suggested by fans for 1,286 roles on myCast, including The Mandalorian in Best Actors and Actres in Series. Similar actors include Denzel Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, and Danny Glover. Carl Weathers was suggested to play War Machine in Marvel Cinematic Universe (1980s) by sammartin. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Danny Glover, Billy Dee Williams, and Roger E. Mosley. Marvel Cinematic Universe (1980s) has 141 roles, including Spider-Man, Thanos, and Ant-Man.

More Fan Casting Suggestions for War Machine in Marvel Cinematic Universe (1980s)