Jubilee is a long-time member of the X-Men and serves as a teacher to Generation X, a group of teenage mutants living at the Xavier Institute. She previously lost her mutant powers and then was turned into a vampire, adopting a baby boy named Shogo and working alongside the X-Men. Most recently, she re-gained her pyrotechnic abilities and was turned back into a mutant when Quentin Quire sacrificed his Phoenix shard to save her life and revert her powers back.
Fan Casting
Peyton Elizabeth Lee
Lana Condor
Momona Tamada
Aileen Wu
Jamie Chung
Lulu Chu
Olivia Liang
Ramona Young
Ashley Liao
Ellen Wong
Brianne Tju
Kira Omans
Lily Chee
Kristina Tonteri-Young
Jennie Kim
Lalisa Manobal
Arden Cho
Kelly Marie Tran
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