Fan Casting Byron Haskin as Director of Mars Attacks! (1962)

tomzillawash3r3 made this fan casting suggestion on October 23, 2019. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Byron Haskin as Director in Mars Attacks! (1962)

Byron Haskin

Byron Conrad Haskin was an American film and television director. He was born in Portland, Oregon. He is remembered today for directing 1953's The War of the Worlds, one of many films where he tea...
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Mars Attacks! (1962)

Mars Attacks! (1962)

by Tim Burton; Topps
What if Mars Attacks was made in the 60's part of the Sci-Fi Film craze?
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0 comments on Byron Haskin as Director in Mars Attacks! (1962)

Byron Haskin is known for his roles in Robinson Crusoe on Mars, Treasure Island, and The War of the Worlds. He has been suggested by fans for 4 roles on myCast, including Director in Mars Attacks! (1962). Similar people include Akira Kurosawa, John Huston, and Robert Wise. Byron Haskin was suggested to play Director in Mars Attacks! (1962) by tomzillawash3r3. Other people sugggested to play this role include Robert Wise and Fred F. Sears. Mars Attacks! (1962) has 26 roles, including President James Dale/Art Land, Byron Williams, and Professor Donald Kessler.

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