Fan CastingManhunt
Do exactly as I say and I promise this will be over before the night is out.
by Alan Davidson, James Worrall & Cristian Cantamessa
Story added by jorgeemiliodeleonsilva on May 24, 2024
James Earl Cash is a death row convict who was going to be executed at Darkwoods Penitentiary for his crimes committed in the past, however he was saved at the last minute by an unknown subject, who ordered Cash to be sedated. instead of executing him, causing the press to believe that he had died instantly. Upon waking up, Cash speaks through a headset with this guy who calls himself "The Director", and informs him that he saved his life and promises him freedom at the end of the night, but to earn it he must star in his new snuff film. "Manhunt", thus beginning Cash's brutal odyssey through the dangerous streets of Carcer City, ending more
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