Meet Ben, an average TV actor who finds himself living in the shadows of stardom. One fateful evening, he crosses paths with the enigmatic Lily, the greatest actress of their time, at Hollywood party, they're drawn to each other like magnets.
The world of showbiz isn't always kind to budding romances. Ben and Lily decide to keep their relationship a secret to avoid the media circus. They go to great lengths to maintain their privacy, sneaking around town, using code names, and even joking about their "hidden romance" in interviews and on TV shows. Soon, the world is buzzing about Hollywood's hottest couple, Ben and Lily. The pressure of being in the spotlight strains their relationship, leading to misunderstandings and arguments. Amid tensions and paparazzi, They break up, believing it's for the best. Ben works hard, and Lily takes role in London, far away from the chaos of Hollywood. 1y later, his best friend, David, invites Ben to Paris to star in his film. Unbeknownst, David has also cast Lily as leading lady. They work together in picturesque Paris, rekindling friendship. Ben is still in love with her, and she begins to feel the same. Through time, Lily is in contact with her bff Emma, who also traveled there to support her. The last night in Paris, he takes her on date, visiting iconic romantic spots in the city. Underneath the Eiffel Tower, he finally confesses his love for her and propose her. Overwhelmed with emotion, admits that she's been in love with him all along.