Fan Casting Romi Park as Daffy Duck in Loonatics (Anime Reboot) Japanese dub

user_41639 made this fan casting suggestion on August 29, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Romi Park as Daffy Duck in Loonatics (Anime Reboot) Japanese dub

Romi ParkJapan

52 years old
Romi Park is a Japanese actress and voice actress of Korean descent. At the first Seiyuu Awards, she won an award for her portrayal of Nana Oosaki in Nana. She is known for voicing tough, calm, and...
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Loonatics (Anime Reboot) Japanese dub

Loonatics (Anime Reboot) Japanese dub

by Warner Bros, HBO max
In the year 2772, a meteor strikes the city planet of Acmetropolis, knocking off its axis. this cosmic event releases supernatural forces unleashing a new type of hero...the Loonatics
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Romi Park has been suggested by fans for 384 roles on myCast, including Best Japanese Voice Actress in Best & Worst of Anime. Similar actors include Marina Inoue, Junko Takeuchi, and Miyuki Sawashiro. Romi Park was suggested to play Daffy Duck in Loonatics (Anime Reboot) Japanese dub by user_41639. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Natsuki Hanae and Wataru Takagi. Loonatics (Anime Reboot) Japanese dub has 43 roles, including Bugs Bunny, Rev Runner, and Slam Tasmanian.

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