Fan Casting Óscar Flores Guerrero as Huitzilopochtli in Legend Quest (Animated Series)

doblajeman made this fan casting suggestion on February 5, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Óscar Flores Guerrero as Huitzilopochtli in Legend Quest (Animated Series)

Óscar Flores GuerreroMexico

48 years old
See Profile
Legend Quest (Animated Series)

Legend Quest (Animated Series)

Neon Mythos
by Netflix
In 1990s San Francisco, a teenager named Hatice Rojas that spends her time on Conspiracy theories but she tracks her linage to a monster hunter who lived in New Spain named Leo San Juan, Hatice res...
See Story

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0 comments on Óscar Flores Guerrero as Huitzilopochtli in Legend Quest (Animated Series)

Óscar Flores Guerrero has been suggested by fans for 101 roles on myCast, including Futuros Actores De Doblaje de Capitan America. El Optimus Prime Y Superman. in Futuros Actores De Doblaje De Capitán América.Para Reemplazar a Pepe Toño Macías. Similar actors include Oscar lopez, Raúl Anaya, and Sebastián Llapur. Óscar Flores Guerrero was suggested to play Huitzilopochtli in Legend Quest (Animated Series) by doblajeman. Legend Quest (Animated Series) has 26 roles, including Malintzin, Grendel, and Maat.

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