Fan Casting Lon Harris as Writer of LAST ACTION HERO: A Screen Junkies Remake

tomzillawash3r3 made this fan casting suggestion on September 3, 2019. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Lon Harris as Writer in LAST ACTION HERO: A Screen Junkies Remake

Lon Harris

Lon Harris is a writer, researcher, presenter and key contributor to YouTube channel Screen Junkies. He has been a writer on four-time Emmy-nominated comedy series Honest Trailers since 2017. Lon i...
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LAST ACTION HERO: A Screen Junkies Remake

LAST ACTION HERO: A Screen Junkies Remake

From the Creators of Honest Trailers
by Screen Junkies; Last Action Hero by John McTiernan
A Fan-Remake of Last Action Hero made by Screen Junkies, A bunch of grown up movie fans are really pissed off to see that Jack Slater is getting a reboot, starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Wh...
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0 comments on Lon Harris as Writer in LAST ACTION HERO: A Screen Junkies Remake

Lon Harris has been suggested by fans for 2 roles on myCast, including Writer in LAST ACTION HERO: A Screen Junkies Remake. Similar people include Margot Robbie, Amanda Seyfried, and Mckenna Grace. Lon Harris was suggested to play Writer in LAST ACTION HERO: A Screen Junkies Remake by tomzillawash3r3. Other people sugggested to play this role include Shane Black, Danny Ramirez, and Joe Starr. LAST ACTION HERO: A Screen Junkies Remake has 45 roles, including Cameos, Jack Slater, and Director.

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