Fan Casting Emily Sie as Pillow Featherbed in Lalaloopsy the movie

user_60713 made this fan casting suggestion on June 22, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Emily Sie as Pillow Featherbed in Lalaloopsy the movie

Emily SieUnited States

22 years old
Indonesian-American cover artist and pop singer who has 240k subscribers on YouTube. There, she posts covers, original music, and vlogs. In 2019, Emily Sie released a song, ’Falling For You”, which...
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Lalaloopsy the movie

Lalaloopsy the movie

by By Nickelodeon movies
When dark duchess plans to take over lalaloopsy land will the gang defeat her
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0 comments on Emily Sie as Pillow Featherbed in Lalaloopsy the movie

Emily Sie has been suggested by fans for 596 roles on myCast, including She Taurus in Zodiac Signs. Similar actors include Bella Poarch, Camila Cabello, and Dua Lipa. Emily Sie was suggested to play Pillow Featherbed in Lalaloopsy the movie by user_60713. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Mckenna Grace, Xochitl Gomez, and Camila Cabello. Lalaloopsy the movie has 4 roles, including Jewel sparkles, Spot splatter splash, and Storm e sky.

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