Fan CastingLa casa delle voci (The House of Voices, La Maison des Voix)
[book đź“š] by Donato CARRISI
by Donato CARRISI
Story added by pocahontasneytiri on July 21, 2021
Pietro Gerber is a child psychologist who specialises in hypnosis – he works to help children overcome trauma and uncover buried memories.
One dark winter’s morning, Pietro receives a phone call from an Austra-lian psychologist who refers the case of her patient Hanna Hall. During an earlier hypnosis session in Adelaide, a memory emerged from Hanna’s sub-conscious involving the murder of a little boy called Ado.
The murder occurred in an unknown place in the Tuscan countryside when Hanna was very young. Now Hanna is returning to Italy to find out whether the crime took place.
Pietro Gerber can’t imagine that Hanna’s story will more
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