Fan Casting Brian Azzarello as Writer of Brian Azzarello's Joker (2021)

jorgeemiliodeleonsilva made this fan casting suggestion on November 28, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Brian Azzarello as Writer in Brian Azzarello's Joker (2021)

Brian Azzarello

62 years old
Brian Azzarello is an American comic book writer and screenwriter. He came to prominence with the hardboiled crime series 100 Bullets, published by DC Comics' mature-audience imprint Vertigo. In ad...
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Brian Azzarello's Joker (2021)

Brian Azzarello's Joker (2021)

Live-action adaptation in the present.
by Brian Azzarello
Based on Brian Azzarello's graphic novel, the story follows a low profile street criminal from Gotham City, who goes to Arkham Asylum to release the Joker, and follows him on his rampaging and caho...
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0 comments on Brian Azzarello as Writer in Brian Azzarello's Joker (2021)

Brian Azzarello has been suggested by fans for 23 roles on myCast, including Influences of Wonder Woman: TAS (Castingsinmyblood's version) in Influences. Similar people include Paul Dini, David S. Goyer, and Bruce Timm. Brian Azzarello was suggested to play Writer in Brian Azzarello's Joker (2021) by jorgeemiliodeleonsilva. Brian Azzarello's Joker (2021) has 13 roles, including Director, Composer, and Johnny Frost.

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