Fan Casting Spoiler as The Visitors in Iron Man: Hero Genius

roccoscarcella made this fan casting suggestion on May 11, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Spoiler as The Visitors in Iron Man: Hero Genius

SpoilerUnited States

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Iron Man: Hero Genius

Iron Man: Hero Genius

Scar's Marvel Universe (Phase One)
by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Jack Kirby, and Don Heck
When being held captive in an Afghanistan cave, billionaire Tony Stark creates a suit that helps him escape and returns back to New York, until someone wants his power and becomes the enemy.
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Spoiler has been suggested by fans for 7,122 roles on myCast, including John Doe in The Batman (2022). Similar actors include Pedro Pascal, Nicolas Cage, and Oscar Isaac. Spoiler was suggested to play The Visitors in Iron Man: Hero Genius by roccoscarcella. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Will Smith and Nick Fury Jr.. Iron Man: Hero Genius has 11 roles, including Pepper Potts, Col. James Rhodes, and Iron Man.

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