Drew O'Sullivan manages to escape from prison and returns to the streets of New York after ten years behind bars to start a new life in seclusion with the help of his friends. However, his love Lucy Murphy has problems with his competitor, a Scottish gangster and the owner of several restaurants, Clyde Smith, which culminates in a shooting at her restaurant. Drew will help her and get her back into the gangster world. Drew joins back with his father Jack O'Sullivan and his Irish mob family, who quarrel with the Scottish family. Jack O'Sullivan has five sons, Drew, Conor, Noah, Charlie and Jack Jr. Brothers Cilian and Ryan O'Connor, Drew O'Sullivan, Noah O'Sullivan and Dallas Doyle (the top scorer) found themselves on the Irish side during a shootout at a restaurant in Manhattan, Charlie was killed. On the Scots' side were two sons of Smith, Oliver and Leo, as well as Lewis Stewart and Logan Thompson, all died, a situation that stirred up the worst between the two gangs, who had been fighting for decades. Meanwhile, Oscar Walsh of O'Sullivans, is killed in car in the Bronx. After Scottish Craig Robertson is offended by Brian Gallagher, Craig kills him in a fit of rage in Harlem, when Craig tries to hide the body, he was shot in the back of the head by Finn Kennedy. After Jack O'Sullivan's wife is abducted, he assembles the entire O'Sullivan gang and attacks the mansion of the Brooklyn Smith Gang. The O'Sullivans win, sitting in the garden at the end, Irish music and whiskey.
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