Fan CastingIndiana Jones and the Tomb of Shadows (2008)
Alternative Crystal Skull
Story added by whippersnapperwv14 on August 22, 2024
1957. It's the height of the Cold War, famous archaeologist Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford), returning from his latest adventure, on the verge of retirement, when he is tasked to track down another artifact, an artifact so powerful and yet so evil. He reunites with Marion (Karen Allen), who is still sore over Indy leaving her, but is willing to put aside their differences and focus on the task at hand, with Sallah (John Rhys Davis) in tow, the trio sets out to find the artifact. However, Seth, (Daniel Craig) the son of a former rival is searching for the powerful artifact, too, because he and the Russian mercenaries who work for him, more
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