Fan Casting Mena Suvari as Gina Banks in ITAC 1996)

ginamarie made this fan casting suggestion on April 3, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Mena Suvari as Gina Banks in ITAC 1996)

Mena SuvariUnited States

46 years old
Mena Alexandra Suvari (born February 13, 1979) is an American actress, producer, fashion designer, and model. She's best known for her roles as Angela Hayes in American Beauty, Heather in the Ameri...
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ITAC 1996)

ITAC 1996)

this is silly
by tavitaylorde
The events that take place during the late 80s/90s in In the Angel's City but with an actual 90s cast
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Mena Suvari is known for her roles in American Pie 2, American Pie, and American Beauty. She has been suggested by fans for 300 roles on myCast, including American Pie in Hottest Actress by Franchise. Similar actors include Sarah Michelle Gellar, Reese Witherspoon, and Kate Hudson. Mena Suvari was suggested to play Gina Banks in ITAC 1996) by ginamarie. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Cindy Crawford, Parker Posey, and Liv Tyler. ITAC 1996) has 15 roles, including Toni Kinney, Lennie McCarthy, and Nicole Toledo.

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