Fan CastingIllumination's Super Mario Bros. (But Even Worse)
Directed by TEEN TITANS GO! Creators
by Universal Pictures
Story added by tomzillawash3r3 on August 25, 2021
(Mock South Park Narrator Voice)
"From the studio behind Minions and the directors behind "your favorite show" TEEN TITANS GO!, comes PURE CRAP! It's that one game where two plumbers jump around and rescue a princess or something, we don't care... but reinvented in a way that combines banana memes with infuriating cringe and disbelief that it's popular! You'll wonder why Nintendo said they wanted to try again!" XD "Who cares if we're doing a s**t job with this you're gonna go see this in the theater with your kids, whether you like it or not! AND YOU WON'T! F*** YOU!!"
"Rated PEEGEE, F*** You!"read more
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