Fan Casting Gustaf Skarsgård as Vortgyn in Il principe Caspian

___nefele___ made this fan casting suggestion on January 11, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Gustaf Skarsgård as Vortgyn in Il principe Caspian

Gustaf SkarsgårdSweden

44 years old
Gustaf Skarsgård (born 12 November 1980) is a Swedish film and television actor, best known for playing Floki on History Channel's television series "Vikings". He's the son of actor Stellan Skarsgå...
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Il principe Caspian

Il principe Caspian

Le Cronache di Narnia
by Andrew Adamson
"Quando Aslan fa il suo ruggito, l'inverno è già finito. Quando scuote la sua criniera, ritorna la primavera."
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0 comments on Gustaf Skarsgård as Vortgyn in Il principe Caspian

Gustaf Skarsgård is known for his role in The Way Back. He has been suggested by fans for 726 roles on myCast, including Reverend Orville Swanson in Red Dead Redemption.. Similar actors include Bill Skarsgård, Alexander Skarsgård, and Willem Dafoe. Gustaf Skarsgård was suggested to play Vortgyn in Il principe Caspian by ___nefele___. Il principe Caspian has 19 roles, including Lord Sopespian, Emily Pevensie, and Lord Glozelle.

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