Fan CastingIce Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Jon Favreau
by By Disney 20th Century Studios and Tv Cultura Disney Company
Story added by manassestobias on July 2, 2023
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs is a film of 2029 Directed by Jon Favreau and Produced by Disney, When Sid (Aleks Le) are at the Dino World with the Female Tyrannosaurus Named Momma Dino (Carrie Underwood) with their 3 baby Tyrannosaurus cub, The film is the live action CGI adaptation of the same name, released in 2009, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs are only Steaming on Disney Plus. July 1st, 2029.
#disney #iceagedawnofthedinosaurs #liveaction #remake #flims #cgi #reallife #dinosaurs #bbcearth #nationalgeographicread more
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