Fan Casting Alberto Sordi as Papa Sisto IV in I Medici

user_77995 made this fan casting suggestion on December 2, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Alberto Sordi as Papa Sisto IV in I Medici

Alberto Sordi

Alberto Sordi (15 June 1920 – 25 February 2003) was an Italian actor. He was also a film director and the dubbing voice of Oliver Hardy in the Italian version of the Laurel & Hardy films.
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I Medici

I Medici

By Franco Zeffirelli
by Vittorio Abbate
Something that i created inspired by a fictitious Zeffirelli movie that appears on a tv series. Based on the history of the Florentine Medici family, an influential lordship that ruled the city fro...
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0 comments on Alberto Sordi as Papa Sisto IV in I Medici

Alberto Sordi is known for his roles in I Vitelloni, The Great War, and The Marquis of Grillo. He has been suggested by fans for 11 roles on myCast, including Italian Actors in Pick Your Favourite Actors & Actresses. Similar actors include Franco Nero, Roberto Benigni, and Marcello Mastroianni. Alberto Sordi was suggested to play Papa Sisto IV in I Medici by user_77995. I Medici has 30 roles, including Piccarda Bueri, Filippo Brunelleschi, and Francesco de' Pazzi.

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