Fan Casting Malcolm McDowell as The Professor in Hulk vs. Wolverine

frandude made this fan casting suggestion on December 12, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Malcolm McDowell as The Professor in Hulk vs. Wolverine

Malcolm McDowellUnited Kingdom

81 years old
Malcolm McDowell is an English actor with a career spanning over forty years. McDowell is principally known for his roles in the controversial films Caligula, If...., O Lucky Man! and A Clockwork O...
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Hulk vs. Wolverine

Hulk vs. Wolverine

Frandude’s Marvel Universe (Chapter Two)
by Frandude
Following his departure in the Avengers, the out-of-control and depressed Hulk goes back to the Canadian territory trying to leave the chaos and destruction behind him. But he faces an old enemy he...
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0 comments on Malcolm McDowell as The Professor in Hulk vs. Wolverine

Malcolm McDowell is known for his roles in A Clockwork Orange, Bolt, and Easy A. He has been suggested by fans for 1,835 roles on myCast, including Metallo in Ben 10/Justice League: The Series. Similar actors include Jeremy Irons, Anthony Hopkins, and Charles Dance. Malcolm McDowell was suggested to play The Professor in Hulk vs. Wolverine by frandude. Hulk vs. Wolverine has 18 roles, including “The Director”, “A successful test”, and “We need you, Logan”.

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