Fan Casting Eli Roth as Producer of Hostel

unknownuser1 made this fan casting suggestion on April 3, 2021. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Eli Roth as Producer in Hostel

Eli RothUnited States

52 years old
Eli Raphael Roth (born April 18, 1972) is an American film director, producer, writer and actor. He is part of the group of filmmakers dubbed the Splat Pack, because of their association and their ...
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Fan Casting

Eli Roth





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(2023 Remake)
by Eli Roth
A set of college students are taking a trip to Slovakia, where they encounter a mysterious organization that tortures and kills kidnapped tourists.
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Eli Roth is known for his roles in Inglourious Basterds, Hostel, and Knock Knock. He has been suggested by fans for 675 roles on myCast, including Returning Actors in Actors that should be in Quentin Tarantino's 10th movie. Similar people include James Wan, Sam Raimi, and Jason Blum. Eli Roth was suggested to play Producer in Hostel by unknownuser1. Hostel has 16 roles, including Paxton Rodriguez, Natalya, and Svetlana.

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