Fan Casting Spoiler as Survived But Lost in Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both

elijahspates made this fan casting suggestion on October 26, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Spoiler as Survived But Lost in Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both

SpoilerUnited States

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Survived But Lost (Showing up in the Future for creep fest)


Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both

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Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both

Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both

by Paramount pictures,new line cinema,BlumHouse,Platinum dunes,universal
in the paramount Jason universe (Friday the 13th 1980-1989) more Horror characters are transported there like freddy kruger,chucky and other horror characters and also doubles of themsleves from e...
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0 comments on Spoiler as Survived But Lost in Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both

Spoiler has been suggested by fans for 7,204 roles on myCast, including John Doe in The Batman (2022). Similar actors include Pedro Pascal, Nicolas Cage, and Oscar Isaac. Spoiler was suggested to play Survived But Lost in Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both by elijahspates. Other actors sugggested to play this role include Tyler Mane, Mark Hamill, and Ken Kirzinger. Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both has 21 roles, including Winners, GhostFace, and Micheal Myers.

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More Fan Casting Suggestions for Survived But Lost in Horrorverse: originals vs New versions or reboot versions or both