A TV show based on Hitman 2016, Hitman 2 & Hitman III
It wouldn't be an action movie like the 2007 and 2015 movies, it would explore a lot more of the story elements, although it would still feature the assassinations from the games, even if some of them are shown more than othersread more
A TV show based on Hitman 2016, Hitman 2 & Hitman III
It wouldn't be an action movie like the 2007 and 2015 movies, it would explore a lot more of the story elements, although it would still feature the assassinations from the games, even if some of them are shown more than others
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1 comment on Director
swagalit's not an action movie, as a series it would likely show a lot more of the stealth or the overlining plot to take down providence, there shouldn't be an action director
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