Fan Casting Carmen McRae as Terpischore in Hercules as a 1950s Epic

jacobking1 made this fan casting suggestion on May 14, 2024. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Carmen McRae as Terpischore in Hercules as a 1950s Epic

Carmen McRae

Carmen Mercedes McRae (April 8, 1920 – November 10, 1994) was an American jazz singer. She is considered one of the most influential jazz vocalists of the 20th century and is remembered for her beh...
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Hercules as a 1950s Epic

Hercules as a 1950s Epic

by Ron Clements and John Musker
The son of Zeus and Hera is stripped of his immortality as an infant and must become a true hero in order to reclaim it.
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0 comments on Carmen McRae as Terpischore in Hercules as a 1950s Epic

Carmen McRae has been suggested by fans for 1 role on myCast, including Terpischore in Hercules as a 1950s Epic. Carmen McRae was suggested to play Terpischore in Hercules as a 1950s Epic by jacobking1. Hercules as a 1950s Epic has 17 roles, including Megara, Clio, and Zeus.

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