Fan Casting Allison Hayes as Terpsichore in Hercules-1960's

thecookieprincess made this fan casting suggestion on June 17, 2022. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Allison Hayes as Terpsichore in Hercules-1960's

Allison HayesUnited States

Born Mary Jane Hayes in Charleston, West Virginia, she was in the class of 1948 at Calvin Coolidge High School. Hayes won the title of Miss District of Columbia. She went on to represent D.C. in th...
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by Walt Disney
If the movie Hercules from the Walt Disney Studios was made in 1964 but in a live action version.
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Allison Hayes is known for her roles in The Undead, Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, and Gunslinger. She has been suggested by fans for 2 roles on myCast, including Nancy Fowler Archer in Untitled Attack of the 50 Foot Woman Sequel. Similar actors include Julie Newmar, Kim Novak, and Mara Corday. Allison Hayes was suggested to play Terpsichore in Hercules-1960's by thecookieprincess. Hercules-1960's has 12 roles, including Megara, Hades, and Thalia.

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