Fan Casting Nikolai Leon as Oliver Wood in Harry Potter (Max Reboot TV Series)

ladiesman217sunlucdong made this fan casting suggestion on May 2, 2023. What do you think? See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role.

Nikolai Leon as Oliver Wood in Harry Potter (Max Reboot TV Series)

Nikolai LeonUnited Kingdom

28 years old
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Harry Potter (Max Reboot TV Series)

Harry Potter (Max Reboot TV Series)

Max Original Series
by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter (Toby Woolf), an ordinary eleven-year-old boy serving as a slave for his cruel aunt and uncle who after learns that he is actually a wizard and has been invited to attend the Hogwarts ...
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Nikolai Leon has been suggested by fans for 16 roles on myCast, including Oliver Wood in Harry Potter (Max Reboot TV Series). Similar actors include Scott Chambers, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Josh Hartnett. Nikolai Leon was suggested to play Oliver Wood in Harry Potter (Max Reboot TV Series) by ladiesman217sunlucdong. Harry Potter (Max Reboot TV Series) has 48 roles, including Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, and Hermione Granger.

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